Wm. Barrett Simms

Founder | CEO | Connect

Barrett Simms is a senior management, technology expert, and founder of DevFoundries. With over 2 decades in software product development, Barrett specializes in development resulting in lower costs, faster time-to-market, and higher quality software. He has overseen project management, software development processes, and technology for the last 15 years with companies like Investment Technology Group, John Hancock, and Wellington Management.

Recently, Barrett lead a team of 15 people to deliver a $4 million re-write of John Hancock’s Long-Term-Care product including web, desktop, and distributed server components. Upon delivery, this product was delivered virtually flawless and two months ahead of schedule due to Barrett’s implementation of Agile and modern quality software practices.

Currently, Barrett works with companies like Clear Launch, Precision Autonomy, and Sugar Bottom Studios driving revenue through IT management and software delivery.

Barrett is a graduate of Boston University with a degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. He continued his education at MIT, Stanford, and Harvard Medical School before leaving bioinformatics for a career in software development. Barrett is also a prolific technology writer and presenter on advanced Agile practice management and core software development fundamentals. Barrett regularly speaks at conferences and meetups about a range of topics based on his articles, which can be found at wbsimms.com. During his spare time, you can find him in his personal electronics lab creating hardware prototypes.